IN THIS ISSUE: Registration for returning students, Welcome new students, Student of the Summer Elea G., New incentive programs, how to reschedule lessons, New instructors Scott Askew and Eireen Margittai, i-Pad winner, September Birthdays, Anniversaries, Ms. Michele's Bench.
IN THIS ISSUE: Referral Contest, New Teacher Rich Carlson, Drum promotion, End of Summer Party, Pet of the Month, Birthdays
Ms. Michele's Bench
IN THIS ISSUE: Student of the Month Rose D.
Practice Derby Winners, Raffle Winners, New Students, June birthdays, Summer Session news and Ms. Michele's Bench
IN THIS ISSUE: Student of the Month John D.
Practice Derby Winners, Raffle Winners, New Students, May birthdays and Recital details, Ms. Michele's Bench
IN THIS ISSUE: Student of the Month Eli L.
Practice Derby Winners, Raffle Winners,
March and April birthdays and Recital dates announced. Ms. Michele's Bench
IN THIS ISSUE: Student of the Month Helen A. Practice Derby Winners, Raffle Winners, February birthdays. Pizza/PJ Party/Concert announced. Welcome New Students!
IN THIS ISSUE: Student of the Month Leo C.
Winter Recital Pictures, Practice Derby Winners, Raffle Winners. Win-the-Pin. Recital Pics.
IN THIS ISSUE: Student of the Month Caroline M. Practice Derby Winners, Raffle Winners
December Birthdays. Recital details.
IN THIS ISSUE: Student of the Month Nolan B. Practice Derby Winners, Raffle Winners November Birthdays. Costume/Concert Pizza Party Pics.